
Curl Your Hair Using Hair Straighteners

As the name denotes the primary objective of a hair straightener is to straighten the hair. It is Air Swimmers used to obtain shiny and straight hair. However, as time passed by, a number of different hairstyles can also be created using this styling iron.First shampoo the hair well followed by conditioning it. After that blow dry it thoroughly. Curling waxes can be applied in order to reshape it easily. For creating small curls, remove the tangles and divide it into various sections - about two inch.When prepared, clip the iron horizontally at about two inches away from hair roots. Now start to turn the iron inwards. While doing this gently pull the iron downwards until it reaches the tip of the hair. Before releasing the clip, keep the iron clipped for two to three seconds when it reaches the tip of the hair. This helps to avoid frizz on the hair tip.Styles like Twirling curl Flying angry bird can also be created with the iron. A portion of the hair is selected and it is clipped with the iron angled at about 225 degrees. Now start by rotating the iron inwards and gently pulls the iron downwards. Make sure to clip the iron at the hair tip for a few seconds before releasing it.Beautiful waves can also be created by using these irons. As in the previous case, place the iron at about two inches away from hair root. Turn the iron fully outwards. Now the tip of the hair should be pointing downwards. Gently slide the iron downwards until it reaches the tip of the hair. All sections of hair should be done to obtain the best results.A good flat iron always gives better results. Many factors are there to be kept in mind while choosing a good hair straightening iron. The length of the hair determines the width of the plate, but a smaller iron is more flexible to use. The optimum width is about an inch. The style you create depends on the iron position and turning direction of the iron. Always remember to use heat protector to prevent hair from burning.

